Make your home videos look like Hollywood by using this free shot list!

Aug 15, 2013

I just know that every one of you out there would love to be able to shoot and edit, for example, your son or daughter’s 2nd birthday party into something that you can watch without it looking like a typical home video.

I mean, you and I both know that too many of us have been asked by friends to watch videos of loved ones recorded with that home movie camera and our gutteral response has been to bolt as fast as we can in the opposite direction.  No offence to said friends, but they often drag on and on and on and on and on…(you get the point :)).

So what if I told you that there were simple things you could do to make that same home video that much more interesting to watch?  Better yet, what if I told you that there are a few shots that you could take that would enhance any video you decide to shoot?


What if I told you that I have a list of shots that I am going to be giving away for FREE!!!!!!

On July 1st, 2014 I will be offering a downloadable list of shots that can be applied to any and all shooting situations.  These shots will greatly enhance any home video that you decide to shoot.  Whether it be that 2nd, 80th or 100th birthday party.

That graduation, wedding, or special occasion.

Or, to make things even more simple, even if  you are just wanting to create a video montage of nature…

These shot ideas will give you the opportunity to create something great with very little extra time on your part to make it happen.  And why wouldn’t you want to make your video something that you could watch over and over and over again?  You’ll thank your friends too so make sure you pass the info on if you find this list successful for you :)

So make sure you subscribe to my blog!  And remember the date.  July 1st, 2014 this shot list will be available to all for FREE!

